A New Perspective on Weight Loss

Day after day, doctors are telling their patients that need to lose weight. Many studies show that obesity does increase disease and death risks. The advice of many doctors is to exercise more and keep track of your caloric intake. Patients then take their advice. Some do see results, but then after a few weeks start to regain the weight that they lost. Most don’t see results, and when they go back to their doctors or providers, they get blamed for not being disciplined enough or just plain out lazy.

I have been doing some research and found the work of Dr. Jason Fung. He is a board-certified nephrologist and has done extensive research on intermittent fasting. What I believe will help many people in this quest to lose weight is to change your mindset from “calorie in and calorie out (calorie counting)” to understand what the effects of excessive insulin exposure is doing to your body. Now it is not the end all, be all, of all of our issues, but he does bring up many interesting questions and points as to why are we doing what we are doing. Just wanted to share his website as his work is very interesting.

Here’s the link: https://www.dietdoctor.com/

Charles Maldonado